CYRIL’S PRECURSOR TO THE FAMOUS SAYING: “Imprisoned in every fat man a thin one is wildly signalling to be let out.” |
KINGSLEY’S COROLLARY: “Outside every fat man there was an even fatter man trying to close in.” |
THE BELLY WISDOM THEOREM: “The old saying is wrong: It’s not that ‘Inside every fat woman there's a thin woman screaming to get out.’ The reality is that inside EVERY woman, there's a FAT woman trying to get out and breathe, relax her belly center, undo her pants, let her thighs roar with thunder, and her breasts feel the breeze!” |
THE RUPAUL RULE: “Inside every gay man, there is a big, soulful, divalicious black woman vying to get out.” |
![]() THE NATIONAL LAMPOON LETTER: “Sirs: Outside every thin Canadian, there's a fat American, screaming to get in.” |
THE OLD AGE AXIOM: “Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.” |
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