“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?” |
“Now, since we took this issue on a year ago, there have been plenty of folks in Washington who’ve said that the politics is just too hard...Don’t do it now. My question to them is: When is the right time? If not now, when? If not us, who?” |
“With the passage of ‘ObamaCare’ coming on the heels of government takeover of industries and taxpayer-funded bailouts of the irresponsible, many are wondering how we can turn the socialist tide...It is time for the few remaining pockets of traditionalism to take control of their culture and destiny. If not now, when?” |
“Someone must step forward. If not us, who will extend, promote, defend, protect, and enforce human rights?” |
“If not now, Wen?” |
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