THE ORIGIN OF THE PHRASE: “The powers that be are ordained of God…Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” |
RICHARD DREYFUSS VERSION: “The [Screen Actors] Guild was the healthiest, sanest and strongest guild in America, and now it’s run by complete loons and the opposition is made up of complete loons, so the Guild has destroyed itself, and in so doing, has achieved the Powers That Be’s greatest goal, which is to extract every illegal penny that they can from their own work force and deny them the ability of collective power.” |
SARAH PALIN’S VIEW FROM THE RIGHT: “The powers that be in Washington, they've got it all wrong...We should not be working for our government. Our government should be working for us.” |
JIM HIGHTOWER’S VIEW FROM THE LEFT: “The powers that be within it made a political calculation that we Democrats could raise corporate money and compete with the Republicans…The problem is, when you start taking those corporate checks, on the back is written the corporate agenda. So our party began speaking in different languages.” |
THE OLIVIA MUNN VIEWERS VERSION: “Cable channels were built around the notion that as long as the male audience is drooling from one side of their mouth, then the other side of the body won't be able to work the remote. So, it is with a deep understanding of the powers that be, and the powers that eventually will be, that we celebrate cable’s newest ‘It’ girl, and PETA's latest pin-up, Olivia Munn.” |
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