BYRON’S FAMOUS LINES: “‘Tis strange – but true; for truth is always strange; |
THE TOP UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE 2016 PRIMARY CAMPAIGN: “This year’s election has a certain stranger than fiction quality to it.” |
THE POLITICS AS USUAL QUOTE: “In politics, truce is stranger than friction.” |
TWAIN’S “PUDD’NHEAD” VARIATIONS: “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”“Truth is stranger than fiction—to some people, but I am measurably familiar with it.” Mark Twain (1835-1910) American humorist, journalist and novelist Two of the “Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar” epigrams used at the beginning of chapters in Twain's 1897 travelogue Following the Equator (also known as More Tramps Abroad). |
TWAIN’S POSTHUMOUS VARIATION: “Truth is more of a stranger than fiction.” |
THE PORTLANDIA PUBLIC ACCESS CHANNEL VERSION: “Public broadcasting is stranger than fiction.” |
THE CNN “SHOWBIZ TONIGHT” SCHTICK: “Tonight!…Are they really saving Michael Jackson’s brain? Did Jackson really try to rescue Lisa Ling’s sister from North Korea? The truth behind the Jackson stories that are stranger than fiction.” |
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