February 26, 2010

The Emperor has: (a) no clothes (b) no brains (c) no birth certificate, or (d) no clue…


“The Emperor has no clothes!”
       Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
       The Emperor's New Clothes (1835)   
       The famed paraphrase of what the little boy in the story says upon seeing the naked Emperor walking down the street. It has also been translated as “But he has nothing on!” or “But the Emperor is naked!”


“The Emperor Has No Brains.” 
       Bush-bashing bumper sticker on cafepress.com


“The emperor has no birth certificate.”
       Joseph Farah
       Anti-Obama blogger and “Birther” 
       In his online column “Between the Lines” on August 5, 2009


“I’ve often summed up the role of the cartoonist as that of the boy in the Hans Christian Andersen story who says the emperor has no clothes on. And that seemed to be just what was called for during this phase of the ‘imperial presidency.’”
       Herbert Block
       The political cartoonist known as “Herblock” 
       From the Herblock’s History website

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