November 29, 2009

“Let me count the ways” – Pros and Cons


“How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.”

       Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)
       English poet
       Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850), no. 43


“How do I masturbate — let me count the ways — with my finger, fingers, hand, hands, feet, dry, lubricated, my own lubrication lube from a tube...”
       The Complete Guide to Safer Sex (1987)
       Published by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality 


“Twilight sucks — let me count the ways.”
       Freelance journalist Adi Jones
       Commenting on the the vampire-lite Twilight book series, Nov. 24, 2009 


“Apparently the new James Bond was telling the Web site that he wants a gay scene in the next Bond film. Daniel Craig is quoted as saying, ‘Why not, I think in this day and age fans would accept it.’ Why not? Let me count the ways. What would Sean Connery say? How would the Bond girls process that? And straight guys everywhere. Well, they would be confused.” 
       Political talk show host, Bill O'Reilly
       On his Fox News TV show, The O'Reilly Factor, Dec. 5, 2006

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