“A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.” |
“I guess the Southern Baptists issued a new ruling this week stating that a wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband. What if a husband wants to lead her and the family to Disneyland on Gay Day? What do you do then?” |
“Recently, we’ve been warned that God will wreak great vengeance upon Orlando, Florida, unless it stops catering to gays; that God thinks homosexuality is a disease, like kleptomania; that God wants wives to submit graciously to their husbands and Moses to lead the NRA. These signs can mean only one thing: God is a Republican.” |
“I’m not a Southern Baptist, I’m a Presbyterian. The men of our denomination aren’t likely to suggest to us women anytime soon that we should graciously submit to anything because they’re afraid we’d smack them with our Bibles and leave them in the church parking lot.” |
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